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Lewis Society of Cleveland, Ohio.

Photo credit: Comunn Eachdraidh Nis

'Tillidh mi Dhachaigh'

'I'll return home'

Hebridean Homecoming is a three-year events programme engaging both islanders and diaspora populations of the Outer Hebrides in the themes of emigration and return.

It begins in 2023, on the centenaries of the emigrant ships 'Metagama' and 'Marloch', when people left in search of adventure and opportunities not available at home.

Hebridean Homecoming events will connect islanders, diaspora populations and visitors through exhibitions, talks, productions, monuments, and more.

maritime timetable images - Björn Larsson colection.jpg

Maritime Timetable Images -
Björn Larsson collection

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'White Star Line - Canada's Call to Women'
Library and Archives Canada
Ref: 1990-119 DAP, 00001, Box number: C047

“'S e feasgar latha Sàbaid ann

' S bha bàtaichean mun cuairt

Toirt Beannachd -nam Beann-Arda dhaibh

Mun tairneadh iad gu cuan;

Bu dùilich leam 's bu chràiteach e

Bhith facinn phàisdean truagh,

'S ag eisdeachd osnaich mhàthraichean

'S an cridh 'ga fhàsgadh cruaidh.”

Donald Mackinnon (Mac Iain Mhurchaidh Fhionnlaigh), Caolis - 'Cumha Barraich 1923'

Source: Comunn Eachdraidh Bharraigh is Bhatarsaigh

Tachartasan | Events

Tha tachartasan ann tro na h-eileanan, bho Rubha Robhanais gu Barraigh is Bhatarsaigh.  Cliog air na tachartasan gu h-ìosal airson barrachd fiosreachadh fhaighinn.Ma tha sibh ag iarraidh am mìosachan fhaicinn, cliog an seo.

Events are running throughout the Outer Hebrides, from the Butt of Lewis to Barra and Vatersay.  Click on an individual event below for more information. 
You can also see a calendar of events by clicking here.

  • Television programme
    Television programme
    Television programme
    Television programme
    Television programme
    Television programme
    Television programme. Trusadh travels from the Butt to Barra to learn about how communities are commemorating the departure of the SS Marloch and the SS Metagama.
  • Recorded programme
    Recorded programme
    Recorded programme
    Recorded programme
    Recorded programme
    Recorded programme
    In 2023 musician Liza Mulholland collaborated with writer Donald S Murray to create a unique and moving, personal musical tribute to the island communities affected by the 1920s mass emigration from the Western Isles to Canada and America. This is the story of their creative journey.
  • Available online
    Available online
    Available online
    Monologues inspired by the recollections of those on board SS Marloch and the SS Metagama.
  • Jim Wilkie - Metagama talk
    Jim Wilkie - Metagama talk
    Available online (recorded talk)
    Available online (recorded talk)
    Available online (recorded talk)
    Available online (recorded talk)
    Available online (recorded talk)
    Available online (recorded talk)
    Hear Jim Wilkie, author of 'Metagama - Emigration from Lewis to the New World in the 1920s (1987), discuss his book in the centenary year of the Metagama. Hosted by the Islands Book Trust.
  • Metagama Service
    Metagama Service
    Recording available online
    Available online
    Recording available online
    Available online
    Recording available online
    Available online
    An ecumenical service held at St. Columba’s church at 3pm on Sunday 23 April to mark the 100th anniversary of the sailing of the Metagama from Stornoway harbour to Canada taking more than 300 islanders.
  • Marloch Monument
    Marloch Monument
    Always accessible
    Gateway Garden, Lochboisdale
    Always accessible
    Gateway Garden, Lochboisdale, Lochboisdale, UK
    Always accessible
    Gateway Garden, Lochboisdale, Lochboisdale, UK
    Marloch Memorial at the Gateway Garden in Lochboisdale. A Stòras Uibhist project.
  • Dìleab Metagama le  Bun Sgoil Steornabhagh
    Dìleab Metagama le  Bun Sgoil Steornabhagh
    Online - always accessible
    Online - always accessible
    Online - always accessible
    Online - always accessible
    Online - always accessible
    Online - always accessible
    Online link to the sold-out Dìleab concert.
  • Sgìre a'Bhac Diaspora Event
    Sgìre a'Bhac Diaspora Event
    Recorded talk (always accessible)
    Recorded talk
    Recorded talk (always accessible)
    Recorded talk
    Recorded talk (always accessible)
    Recorded talk
    Link to the talk Comann Eachdraidh Sgìre a'Bhac hosted, when four special visitors from Detroit, with Sgìre a' Bhac connections, came to celebrate the centenary of the sailing of the Metagama.
  • Comunn Eachdraidh an Taobh Siar - Emigration Exhibition
    Comunn Eachdraidh an Taobh Siar - Emigration Exhibition
    Opened on 28th April
    Ionad na Seann Sgoil
    Opened on 28th April
    Ionad na Seann Sgoil, Shawbost, Isle of Lewis HS2 9BQ, UK
    Opened on 28th April
    Ionad na Seann Sgoil, Shawbost, Isle of Lewis HS2 9BQ, UK
    Emigration exhibition hosted by Comunn Eachdraidh an Taobh Siar (West Side Historical Society)
  • Opens 15th April 2023
    Kildonan Museum
    Opens 15th April 2023
    Kildonan Museum, Kildonan, Isle of South Uist HS8 5RZ, UK
    Opens 15th April 2023
    Kildonan Museum, Kildonan, Isle of South Uist HS8 5RZ, UK
    On the 100th anniversary of the SS Marloch leaving Lochboisdale, Kildonan Museum are opening their exhibition in the Fèis Room.
  • 'In the Wake of Metagama'
    'In the Wake of Metagama'
    Wednesday 26th April, Time TBD
    Southend Community Hall
    Wednesday 26th April, Time TBD
    Southend Community Hall, Daliburgh, South Uist HS8 5SS, UK
    Wednesday 26th April, Time TBD
    Southend Community Hall, Daliburgh, South Uist HS8 5SS, UK
    This centenary concert celebrates the stories of Metagama emigrants, many of whom journeyed south to the USA, working in car factories and construction. Some returned home during the Great Depression, but many stayed to establish new lives in the New World.
  • Gibson Letters
    Gibson Letters
    Online (always accessible)
    Virtual Exhibition
    Online (always accessible)
    Virtual Exhibition
    Online (always accessible)
    Virtual Exhibition
    Online events scheduled by Museum and Tasglann nan Eilean.
  • Eriskay Emigration Exhibition
    Eriskay Emigration Exhibition
    Time is TBD
    Isle of South Uist
    Time is TBD
    Isle of South Uist, Eriskay Community Hall Office, Isle of South Uist HS8 5JJ, UK
    Time is TBD
    Isle of South Uist, Eriskay Community Hall Office, Isle of South Uist HS8 5JJ, UK
    Exhibition exploring emigration in the Isle of Eriskay.
  • Marloch Monument
    Marloch Monument
    Always open
    Lochboisdale Gateway Garden
    Always open
    Lochboisdale Gateway Garden, Lochboisdale, UK
    Always open
    Lochboisdale Gateway Garden, Lochboisdale, UK
    A monument commemorating the sailing of the SS Marloch.
  • Time is TBD
    Seallam! Visitor Centre
    Time is TBD
    Seallam! Visitor Centre, Northton HS3 3JA, UK
    Time is TBD
    Seallam! Visitor Centre, Northton HS3 3JA, UK
    An exhibition on emigration hosted at Seallam!, Northton.

Goireasan | Resources

Leig fios thugainn ma tha sibh ag iarraidh bruidhinn ri comainn eachdraidh,
taighean-tasgaidh air neo tasglannan.

Looking to contact historical societies, museums or archives
to trace your own family members?
Click here.

metagama dalmadan.jpg

Metagama in Princes Dock.
Graham Lappin Collection

"I remember when she was goin' by the Butt o' Lewis, well, they were blowin' the horn all the time, and everybody in Ness was out makin' bonfires.  Even my father was cryin'.  And we were on deck until we seen the last flicker o' light disappear.  So then we went down below - and that's it.  We never seen that light again. 

I never saw my mother or father again."

Angus MacDonald

Source: 'Metagama - A Journey from Lewis to the New World ', Jim Wilkie, 1987

On deck of the Marloch , 1924
via: Vintage Postcards Western Isles

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